On October 3, 2017, Municipal Development Institute, ltd. organized the second consulting seminar for heating and water supply and sewage companies on "Commercial metering of heat energy and water supply: legislative requirements and practical aspects" as a continued effort to discuss the concept and provisions of the law with utility companies. The first consulting seminar on the Law was organized on September 5, 2017.
The seminar was conducted jointly with the members of the Working Group established by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Municipal…
In September 2017, in Kyiv, Municipal Development Institute, ltd. trained specialists of Rubizhne Heating Company in calculation of heat energy tariffs, including formation of tariffs for heat energy production (incl. from alternative energy sources), heat energy transportation and heat energy supply, and district heating and centralized hot water supply services, in compliance with national laws.
Training agenda focused on the following issues:
On September 19-20, 2017, in Lviv, Municipal Development Institute, ltd. conducted training for members of the Working Group, employees of Lviv City Communal Enterprise "Lvivvodokanal", who will elaborate a Stakeholder Engagement Plan as part of the assistance to the Enterprise to develop a Corporate Development Plan.
Assistance to the Enterprise is provided in the frameworks of Ukraine Lviv Wastewater Biogas Project financed by the EBRD jointly with NEFCO and Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) with co-financing from Lviv City Council.
Municipal Development Institute, ltd. will help the Enterprise to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan and a Communication Plan, including conducting of a training for the…
On September 6, 2017, MDI, in fulfillment of the tasks under the USAID Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine Project, organized a seminar for NEURC licensees who operate in water supply and sewage sector. The seminar "Reports submitted to NEURC by NEURC licensees operating in water supply and sewage sector. Reporting rules" was organized jointly with NEURC's Department for Regulation in Water Supply and Sewage Sector and aimed at familiarizing seminar participants with requirements on reporting established by NEURC Resolution No. 717 "On approval of the rules on reports which licensees operating in district heating and centralized water supply and sewage submit to NEURC" dated 31.05.2017.
At the beginning of the seminar, key provisions of reporting rules established…
On September 5, 2017, Municipal Development Institute, ltd. organized a seminar on "Commercial metering of heat energy and water supply: legislative requirements and practical aspects" and gathered specialists of heating and water supply and sewage companies and local governments (staff responsible for the housing and utility services sector) to discuss the recently adopted Law on commercial metering.
Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development (Department of Daily Life Support Systems) and members of the working group – developers of the Law, were invited to the seminar.
The seminar focused on essential provisions of the Law, its concept, principles and scope, as well as the list of normative legal documents which are important for…
On July 25-26, 2017, MDI, in fulfillment of the tasks under the USAID Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine Project, organized a seminar for National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) and NEURC licensees – water and sewage companies, to discuss application of incentive-based regulation in the sector.
The seminar "Drafts of the tariff formation order and tariff setting procedure for incentive-based tariffs for district water supply and sewage (application specificities, conditions for applying incentive-based tariffs, and essential components of tariffs)" was organized to discuss with seminar participants four draft NEURC resolutions, namely:
On July 27, 2017, National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission adopted four resolutions, according to which licensees of the National Commission may apply incentive-based tariffs in the area of heat energy transportation. Incentive-based tariff regulation will create conditions for attraction of investments and sustainable development and functioning of the sector.
These are the following resolutions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC):
On July 4-7, in the city of Kurgan-Tyube, administrative center of Khatlon Region of the Republic of Tajikistan, MDI delivered the four-days training for lecturers of Energy Institute. Training was organized in the frames of the USAID Central Asia Energy Links Project and was entitiled "Energy Saving in Buildings and University Campuses".
The training program is based on the training materials elaborated for MA course students studying at technical departments of universities. The training program was adapted so as to reflect the requirements stipulated in national laws and in relevant normative documents governing building sector, heat technology, design and operation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, heat and electric networks, insulation of…
The Ukrainian Building Knowledge Hub (NZEB Center) is set up in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA). The future trainers are selected from a pool of leading experts in energy efficiency in construction and architecture and it is anticipated to mobilize expertise of KNUCA and professionals from partner companies who participate in the development of norms and regulations and national building standards.
In order to meet this goal, Train-to-NZEB Project partner MDI mobilized support from a wide range of EE equipment and materials producers of windows, equipment for engineering networks, energy efficient heat insulation, energy efficient construction materials and equipment, façade systems, engineering networks, ventilation and air…
On 9 March 2017, MDI trained 37 teachers of Kyiv schools in the implementation of the optional training course "ABC of Management of Housing and Utility Services" and online game "Smart House" at the orientation seminar in Kyiv. The seminar was delivered in the framework of the DTEK Project "Energy Efficient Schools: New Generation" (phase IV of the DTEK Project "Energy Efficient Schools" implemented by MDI since 2012 with financing from DTEK) and also attended by the representatives of DTEK.
This year, among Kyiv schools participating in the DTEK Project "Energy Efficient Schools: New Generation", there are many schools which participated (and some even won) in the previous phases of the Project. At the beginning of the seminar, the representatives of these schools…