Financing: SwedFund

Role of MDI: sub-contractor to Sweco

Implementation period: November 2023 – July 2024

Beneficiaries: Kremenchuk City Council and CE “Kremenchukvodokanal”


The purpose of this assignment is to support Kremenchuk City Council and CE “Kremenchukvodokanal” in providing the necessary evaluations and analysis required to develop a prioritised intervention and investment plan for quality water supply infrastructure (in accordance with Ukrainian and EU legislation) that is resilient and sustainable, and a feasibility study compliant with IFI standards and conditions.


Compatible with sustainable investments, energy efficiency will be an important criterion for the proposed conceptual design solutions.


The two main project activities are as follows:

  1. Feasibility Study (FS) Report preparation, including

  • Demand and Forecast Study

  • Financial and Affordability Analysis

  • Priority Investment Plan (PIP)

  • Environmental and Social (E&S) Screening and Gap Assessment, Roadmap for the detailed ESIA studies and plans

  1. Project management support, including

  • assistance to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

  • procurement advice

MDI primarily will provide input to the activity 1, incl. financial analysis, PIP and FS preparation.