Facilitating territorial development

  • Strategic development plans for urban and rural territories, utility companies, and specific sectors of economy.
  • Attraction of investments in development of the local infrastructure, setting up and development of local businesses, creation of new jobs, including by means of implementation of pilot investment projects and using financial tools.
  • Promoting effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of local self-governments, including through e-government tools.
  • Consultancy for local self-governments in strategic and business planning, asset management, project management, marketing strategies, transparent procurement, increasing quality of utility services and administrative services, social protection for service consumers, public participation, time-, conflict- and stress-management, effective communications.
  • Conducting of trainings for local self-governments and utility companies, incl. distance learning.
  • Promoting positive image of local self-governments and utility companies at the local level.


Energy planning

  • Input in the development of the concept of the new national strategy for sustainable energy development of Ukraine.
  • Establishment and support to expert working groups working to develop sustainable energy development strategies on the basis of transparency and effective cooperation with executive power bodies and with public support.
  • Development of Municipal Energy Plans (MEPs), Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) and investment strategies, with the use of PRAIP – a unique software for ranking and analysis of investment projects developed by MDI. Development of catalogs of investment CE/RE projects in support of implementation of MEPs and SECAPs. Implementation assistance to municipalities. Development of the system for monitoring effectiveness of energy programs.
  • Development of special purpose sustainable energy development programs for specific municipal sectors.