Educational projects and programs


  • Development and implementation of educational programs promoting energy saving, energy efficient technologies, use of alternative energy sources, housing management, energy management, and nearly zero-energy buildings, for school and university students, specialists through advanced training and post-graduate studies. Organization of trainings for building industry specialists.

Starting from 2010, MDI implements the following educational programs for school pupils and university students:

  1. Optional course "Fundamentals of energy supply and energy saving". For the course MDI developed the Manual "About energy supply and energy saving" for students of 6-8th grades (course curriculum and training materials approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016)
  2. Optional course "ABC of Management of Housing and Communal Services". For the course MDI developed the Manual "ABC of Management of Housing and Communal Services" (course curriculum and training materials approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2015)
  3. Optional course "About heat supply and energy saving". For the course MDI developed the Manual "About heat supply and energy saving for a future consumer" for 6-8th grade students (course curriculum and training materials approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2010)
  4. Training course "Energy Saving in University Campuses". For the course MDI developed the Manual "Energy saving in university campuses" and a book of problems for university students (course curriculum and training materials approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2010)

Starting from 2016, MDI, in partnership with Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA) and manufacturers/vendors of energy efficient equipment and materials, trains building industry specialists (workers; highly qualified specialists; non-specialist decision-makers) in all aspects related to design, erection, maintenance of nearly zero-energy buildings. Trainings are delivered at the Ukrainian Training and Consulting Center for Design and Research on Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings.


Public participation and outreach

  • Development and implementation of information campaigns at the national and local levels for making public participate in decision-making
  • Development of communication plans, information materials on various subject issues, documentaries and popular science films
  • Conducting of public discussions and public forums


Research and sociological surveys

  • National public opinion surveys on:

- quality and affordability of communal services
- tariffs for services
- reform of housing and communal services sector
- energy saving and use of alternative energy sources
- effectiveness of social assistance programs
- set up and activities of homeowners associations

  • Surveys for service providers, suppliers of energy resources, and local communities on:

- public monitoring of quality of communal services
- public participation mechanisms and methodologies
- assessment of effectiveness of social programs and projects
- assessment of social and economic impact of implemented projects

- assessment of effectiveness of information campaigns
- socio-psychological aspects of effective communication with consumers

- technologies to influence payments and payment discipline

- developing the image of a service provider